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The fruit is not careful to eat fat The more, the better.!

Author:不詳 | Comefrom:轉載 | AddTime:Jun-27-2017

Song Dandan used to play comedy "black guerrillas", complained that their children can only eat green onions, no people eat fruit every day the children grow and...... It seems that vegetables are not as nutritious as fruit. In fact, on the whole, the vegetable fruit below, although fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C and minerals, but there are some differences in the content of fruit, only fresh jujube, hawthorn, kiwi and Orange Vitamin C rich, other fruit contains vitamin C and minerals better than vegetables.
Another point is that the trophic structure of fruits and vegetables, not only dietary fiber content in vegetables is much higher than that of fruit, but it is not contained in the soluble fiber, can promote intestinal peristalsis, removing the intestine savings of toxic and hazardous substances, can effectively prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, colon cancer, this is unable to achieve the effect of eating fruit. Fruit contains mainly soluble fiber - pectin, it is difficult to absorb, but also slow down the rate of emptying of the stomach.
Not only that, generally low calorie vegetables than fruit, even if you eat more vegetables, generally do not lead to excessive heat, but food, meat is absolutely not, including fruit, because most vegetables contain carbohydrate is starch polysaccharides, need to go through the human digestive tract in a variety of enzymatic hydrolysis into monosaccharides can slowly be absorbed, therefore, will not cause large fluctuations in blood glucose concentration in human body. The fruit contains sugar is mainly monosaccharides (fructose and glucose) and disaccharides (sucrose), after they enter the body, just a little digestion, can dissolve the blood. Therefore, a large amount of fruit in a short period of time can make the blood sugar concentration rise rapidly, which is not conducive to good health. The monosaccharide and disaccharide into human liver, also easily converted to fat.
Advocate China dietary guidelines, every day should be 400 grams, 500 grams of fresh vegetables, appropriate to eat 100 grams, 200 grams of fruit, so the fruit is not The more, the better.
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