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Address: No. 64-74,Haixia Agricultural Fruit wholesale market,500 meters far from the exit of the north high speed road of Zhangzhou ,Fujian.

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New fruit on the market, touted as "net red fruit."

Author:不詳 | Comefrom:轉載 | AddTime:Jun-26-2017

Carrot fruit, snake fruit, red guava, fire ginseng fruit, fruit of sakyamuni...... It is summer season when fruit appears on the market, the fruit shelves on the market inside a few fruit stores and supermarket, the name is fresh, appearance, "strange", the strange fruit of expensive does not appear more and more. Like the avocado which has been red for a long time, they have become "net red fruits"".
Some supermarkets and large stores, high-end supermarket shelves of imported fruits, fruit novelty stores with a superb collection of beautiful things, people familiar with the fruit. In the North Fifth Ring near a supermarket in the end, imported fruit shelf sale staff told the Beijing morning news reporters from Mexico, the avocado is their best selling imported fruit shop, "a day to sell a few kilograms, are directed to buy folic acid supplement". Avocados have always been expensive, and this supermarket sells for 56 yuan a pound. The seller said that although the daily sales of imported fruits were not as good as the popular fruits made in China, the sales could be more than the average fruit because of the high price. .
The shelves of a native to New Zealand "fire ginseng fruit", golden yellow, covered with "horns", the price of 19.8 yuan each, along with Straw and special honey, to remind consumers to dig pulp after adding honey with Straw sucking flesh. Red guava price 39.9 yuan a pound, from Indonesia snake fruit price 24.9 yuan a pound. Sales staff told reporters, selection of avocado, snake fruit, red guava such "red fruit" of the consumers are young people, older people generally do not buy". Some people are directed at the value of nutrition, some people just to taste a fresh, and some people feel that eating "net red fruit" represents a healthy and fashionable lifestyle.
Such as fruit, carrots, as a "cross-border network red", this year has become a new favorite diners. In the electronic business platform, this is known as the United States imported fruit carrot popular blitz, hit the "snacks" banner, because smaller, also known as "finger carrot", a bag of 340 grams, the price of 25.8 yuan. Tasted the diners, some people commented: "a little sweet, very crisp, moisture enough, and later on this supplement carotene."." There are people Tucao: "no carrot flavor, not as good as the local, I'm sorry, lovely shape."."
These strange names, shape, "wonderful" of "net red fruit" really have legendary beauty, health, nutrition and other effects? Fan Zhihong, an associate professor of nutrition and food safety at the China Agricultural University's Food Institute, told reporters: "everyone can follow health as a fashion. It's fun."." But she also said that the pursuit of "net red fruit", but also need to master more food and nutrition knowledge, avoid to catch up with "fashion" and extra money.
In pursuit of fashion, we should see a more cost-effective way. Such as "Red Net" has long been the avocado, Fan Zhihong said, if it is to supplement folic acid and choice of avocado, actually a little far away, because folic acid spinach, cabbage and other leafy vegetables is the highest, cheap, and high folic acid composition, so folic acid supplementation does not need to be specially to eat avocado eat green vegetables, is a very good choice.
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