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The world's healthiest ten categories of fruits

Author:佚名 | Comefrom:轉載 | AddTime:Jun-26-2017

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Tel: 13960066168; 0596-6666168.
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Among them, apple ranked first because Apple is rich in fiber substances, can supplement the body's adequate fiber, reduce heart disease incidence, but also weight loss. Many Americans use fruit as a form of weight loss. They go on a diet a day, eating only apples, known as "apple day"".
One Singaporean summed up Apple's eating experience: obese people eat sweet apples, diabetic eating sour apples, constipation, eating ripe apples, diarrhea, eating raw apples. Apples are rich in nutrients, able to exercise, prevent disease and cure diseases. The experiment proved that patients with diabetes should eat sour apple; prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease and obesity should choose sweet apple; treatment of constipation can eat cooked apples; eat fresh apples, can eliminate oral bacteria, improve the kidney function; apple juice can prevent cough and hoarseness; Apple mud heated edible, is good the prescription of dyspepsia in children and elders.
The apples are apricot, followed by bananas, blackberries, blueberries, melons, cherries, cranberries, grapefruit and purple grapes. Their respective advantages are as follows:
Second: apricot, rich in beta carotene, can help people get vitamin A.
Third: bananas, which are high in potassium, are good for heart and muscle functions.
Fourth: blackberry, the same weight, fiber content of blackberry is more than 3 times the amount of other fruits, no doubt helpful to heart health.
Fifth place: blueberries are a special kind of fruit. Eating more blueberries can reduce the risk of urinary tract infections.
Sixth place: melon, vitamin A and C content is very high, is ideal for vitamin supplements.
Seventh: cherries can help protect heart health.
Eighth place: bilberry can help reduce the risk of urinary tract infections.
Ninth place: grapefruit, vitamin C content is very high.
Tenth: purple grapes, flavonoids and other substances can provide three heavy protection to the heart.
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