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Australian berry hopes to improve quarantine conditions to enter the Chinese market

Author:不詳 | Comefrom:轉載 | AddTime:Jun-26-2017

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Australia's Raspberries and Blackberries Australia says Australia needs to strengthen quarantine agreements to better use the opportunity to export to asia. Administration officials Jonathan Eccles (Jonathan Eccles) said that the Australian pulp industry currently mainly focus on strong domestic market, export market is limited to no agreement countries, such as Singapore, Hongkong and the United states. As far as other countries are concerned, they can only enter these markets only after they have drawn up export agreements with the importing countries. The organization said it would take a long time to gain market access.
"We want to get into a bigger market. China is a very good market for us." Eccles said, "Japan and Indonesia markets in these countries is also good, consumers are willing to pay high price for Australian berries. But plant quarantine is a major obstacle, and our main problem is that the Queensland fruit fly - Raspberry and blackberry - is considered the host of the Queensland fruit fly. We can't expect to enter the market in a few months without doing anything. It will take years, and we must start now."
Mr. Eccles said it could bring important developments to the industry. The country's output has doubled four in the past five years. This is mainly due to the strengthening of the domestic market, coupled with new varieties planted in the winter, forming a year-round supply.
Although existing varieties need to be dormant in winter and then harvested in summer, newer varieties do not need winter low temperatures, so fruit can grow continuously in autumn and winter. The New South Wales and Queensland can continue in the production of crops.
"By controlling the raspberry tree, we can also stagger the harvest." He said, "Vitoria and Tasmania, the traditional planting area is strong, the summer market supply in these areas, so the state of New South Wales and Queensland in the sunshine coast near the main emerging markets for the winter market cultivation, because although it can be planted during the summer, but with better quality fruit competition South is of no significance."
BlackBerry cultivation is different, mainly confined to Vitoria and Tasmania, because there is no warmer climate in the cultivation of varieties. Mr. Eccles said there is no way to import BlackBerry yet because BlackBerry is considered a weed in australia." "Any new breed of BlackBerry must be evaluated on the basis of weed potential," he said. If biosafety determines the possibility of this species as a weed, it will still be refused access to Australia, even if the possibility is very small."
However, the organization said that in recent years, a number of new BlackBerry varieties have been allowed to enter the country. Judge them in the warmer regions of Queensland are still too early, but Mr. Eccles added, "this season so far so good". Winter crops grow in protected greenhouses and are not affected by bad weather in the past few months.
Berries are now the biggest fruit category in supermarkets, he says.
"Berries are a leader in agricultural products and are popular in Europe and the United States," he said. I think this is because it is a convenient product and is an ideal alternative for children to snack on and can be enjoyed all year round. Their health benefits have also been recognized - raspberries and blackberries are not only healthy, but they also taste good."
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