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Nearly 80% fresh online shopping users love to buy fruit

Author:不詳 | Comefrom:轉載 | AddTime:Jun-26-2017

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In June 22nd, third party Internet research firm iResearch released research report, data show that fresh food online shopping users love to buy fruit, single user and house generation more love to buy snacks, non single people and love.

IResearch survey data show that in the first tier cities fresh users online shopping behavior, the fruit is the most popular category. 78.1% of users said they often buy fruit, and 32.1% of the users most often buy fruit. Milk is the second most popular category, the regular purchase and the most frequently purchased are 70% and 13.8% respectively. Cereals, Oils and snacks rank three or four respectively, and vegetables account for fifth of the most frequently purchased products in the proportion of 8.7%. In addition to fruit, users with "home" attributes are more likely to buy milk and snacks, and leisure time to choose fitness users to buy more Cereals, Oils and vegetables.

Interestingly, online shopping behavior can also reflect the marital status of users, the consumer groups of single people and non singles also have some differences. Single people love snacks, consumption ratio of 15.5%; non singles love milk and grain and oil, accounting for 13.7% and 11.5%, respectively. Ari analysts say non singles are healthier about families and partners and have more opportunities to eat at home than single people, so buy more Cereals, Oils and milk.
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